Here are some of our most frequently asked questions, along with some UpStreme Trivia

What Industries do you serve?Our experiences span the retail, finance, energy, aerospace, telcomm, hospitality, franchise, and maritime sectors. We work with small startups to very large organizations (some of which were in the start-up stage when we met them). We have experience with large-scale family-run, privately held organizations. Our customers are both global to community based firms. We do work for numerous government agencies (though we never 'prime' that work - typically brought in as a sub below the prime).
Who do you typically report to on Client projects?We typically report directly to someone on the C-Team (from an accountability perspective) - most often Operations, Risk, Strategy, sometimes the CEO directly, and less often Finance or IT. Having said that, we're known for our ability to work across all layers of an organization acting as "translators" to unravel and solve challenging issues.
Why do you not have any partners nor sell/promote any products?We purposely avoid partnerships, reseller agreements, and joint ventures so that our Customers can be certain our advice and guidance is not motivated by any other purpose than helping them achieve their objectives.
Do you do projects or are you strictly 'Time & Materials' (T&M)?We typically work with our customers to define a goal and timeline for the effort within a Statement of Work (SOW) - which then leads to the appropriate form of billing. Most of our projects result in fixed price/duration contracts. There are instances where pure T&M is appropriate.
Why so many Credit Unions?We have found working with Credit Unions to be a very rewarding experience. Their mission (as non-profit institutions) and their drive to implement change to the benefit of their Members make them quite unique - and we know our contribution to their effort benefits their Members, as well!